Area Agency on Aging
Lisa Shaffer, Executive Director
AAA Building
120 South Grant Ave., Suite 4
Kittanning, PA 16201
Hours: Monday - Friday
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Phone: 724-548-3290
Fax: 724-548-3296
Toll-Free: 800-368-1066
The Armstrong County Area Agency on Aging provides programs and services for Armstrong County residents primarily age 60 and over.
The Agency is a community service agency for older adults providing information and services to help seniors remain active and independent in the community. The Agency is funded through the Pennsylvania Department of Aging, the Federal Older Americans Act, the County of Armstrong, service fees and private donations of seniors and their families.
The Armstrong County Area Agency on Aging was established in 1976 and is one of 52 Area Agencies on Aging in Pennsylvania.
MISSION STATEMENT: Armstrong County Area Agency on Aging is committed to plan, organize, convene, program, and fund, where possible, quality services, preserving the dignity and rights of older adults and advocating for their diverse needs.
This Web site should not be used to convey consumer-specified concerns, emergencies or allegations of abuse or neglect.
Temporary Senior Center Closings
The following centers are closed until further notice
- Parker Senior Center: Closed Wednesday through Friday, Open Monday and Tuesday Only
- A link to the AAA Calendar of Events
- November - Caregiver Summit *More information to be announced
Caregiver Support Quarterly Newsletter
This month, we honor the unsung heroes of our communities – family caregivers. As we observe National Family Caregivers Month, let's recognize the 3.4 million older adults in Pennsylvania who benefit from the tireless efforts of these dedicated individuals. With projections indicating a 40% increase in our older adult population by 2030, the role of family caregivers becomes increasingly vital. At Armstrong County Area Agency on Aging, we're committed to supporting these caregivers through various programs, including respite care and information services.
- National Caregiver Month Newsletter
- Pennsylvania GrandFacts State Fact Sheet 2021 Update.pdf
- Caring for Yourself - Family Caregiver Alliance
Caregiver Resources
End of life Care
The Conversation:
POLST (Physicians Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment)
More than Advanced Directives:
How POLST does more than a DNR:
End of Life Planning
Five Wishes:
Five Wishes Booklet - Available for free in our office
Booklet Order:
Benefits of Music Therapy
Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program
2024 Information
Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program Voucher
Distribution Program for 2024 will be done via mail.
*If you received vouchers in 2023 from the Armstrong County Area Agency on
Aging, you will automatically receive an SFMNP application in the mail.
For more information or to request an application to be sent to you by mail
call: Armstrong County Area Agency on Aging at 1-800-368-1066.
Completed applications can be emailed to
Mail to: 120 S. Grant Av, Suite 4 Kittanning PA 16201
Armstrong County residents who are 60 and older with household income listed below are eligible for vouchers to be used at participating PA Farmers Markets.
1 person less than $27,861
2 people less than $37,814
3 people less than $47,767
4 people less than $57,720
Once the completed application is returned to our office by either mail or email, we will mail you your vouchers.
To check for Senior Center closings, closing listings will be on KDKA, WTAE, or WPXI TV. Watch for the listing titled "Armstrong Co. Senior Centers". Additional information found here.
To check for Home Delivered Meals closings, check KDKA, WTAE and WPXI TV. Watch for the listing "Armstrong County Home-Delivered Meals" Additional information found here.
Effective July 1, 2021, APPRISE is now Pennsylvania Medicare Education and Decision Insight, PA MEDI - Same Program, Same Services for Pennsylvania's Medicare beneficiaries, now with a New Name.
PA MEDI is the free State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) for all Medicare beneficiaries in Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania Department of Aging created PA MEDI to help Pennsylvanians understand their Medicare and other health insurance benefits and assist them in making sound decisions about what is best for them. PA MEDI counselors are specially trained volunteers who can answer your questions about Medicare, Medicaid, Medigap, Medicare Advantage plans, long term care insurance, and the prescription drug benefit and provide you with objective, easy-to-understand information. You may call Sandy Fennell, PA MEDI Local Coordinator, at (724) 548-3290 to schedule an appointment.
PA MEDI also wants to make sure you know about the Extra Help and Medicare Savings Programs. Extra Help can help lower your prescription drug co-payments and premiums, and cover the cost of the coverage gap. You may qualify if you are single and have total monthly income of less than $1,630/month and less than $14,790 in resources, or if you are married and have a total monthly income of less than $2,198/month and less than $29,520 in resources. The Medicare Savings Program can help you with the payment of your Part B premium. You may qualify if you are single and have a total monthly income of less than $1,469/month and less than $7,970 in resources, or if you are married have a total monthly income of less than $1,980/month and less than $11,960 in resources.
The Pennsylvania Health Law Project (PHLP), which is a partner of the PA MEDI Program, can also provide information on these programs, in addition to providing information on access to healthcare for low-income consumers, the elderly, and persons with disabilities. You can access their link at
A guide to Legal Issues for PA Senior Citizens can be found here.
Here is information for the Yellow Dot program.
We have many programs that depend on volunteers, such as PA MEDI, Ombudsman, Center related, and more. To learn about volunteer opportunities contact the Volunteer Coordinator at: (724) 548-3290 or 800-368-1066 or via email at:
◦ Agency on Aging Services and Programs
◦ Caregiver Support Program
◦ Home-Delivered Meals
◦ Legal Services Program
◦ Medical Transportation
◦ Protective Services
◦ Option Services
◦ Ombudsman Brochure - Long Term Care