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Community Development


Kathy A. Heilman, Deputy Executive Director Community Development
402 Market Street
Kittanning, PA 16201

Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 am - 4:30 pm


Our Community Development team provides support to municipalities, water/sewer authorities, and nonprofits in preparing and administering grant applications for projects that enhance the visitors’ experience and the quality of life in Armstrong County. Typical projects are designed to improve infrastructure, public facilities, public safety, and recreational facilities.  We provide assistance in pursuing and applying funds from various resources, including:


Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)


Our CDBG Program provides local municipalities with federal grant assistance in various project categories. The primary components to the CDBG Program are entitlement grants and discretionary grants, also called competitive grants. Each year, our office submits Entitlement Applications for the County and its three entitlement communities. While these applications are usually submitted in late fall, Competitive Applications can be submitted at any time of the year for entitlement and non-entitlement communities.


For more information about eligible activities, contact a member of our Community Development team. CDBG funds are administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED), which is responsible for several other community development grant programs.


CDBG Workshop Slide Show


Public Safety

From equipment purchases to training to facility and infrastructure upkeep, public safety comes at no small cost to municipalities and nonprofits in our community. Our Community Development staff can assist with public safety project development and grant application in a variety of areas.

 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Grants, usually due in January, can be used to purchase firefighter protective gear, breathing apparatus, fire hoses, boots, nozzles, radios, flashlights, fire equipment and fire trucks. Office of State Fire Commissioner (OSFC) Grants often fund purchase, rehabilitation or improvement of apparatus, facilities and equipment. OSFC grant applications are usually due in the fall, as are applications for PA Department of Forestry Volunteer Fire Assistance Grant, which are available for the purchase of wildfire suppression equipment, wildfire or structural protective gear, mobile or portable radios; installation of dry hydrants; and wildfire prevention, mitigation and training.

Recreation Program Grants

Our office assists municipalities, nonprofits and municipal authorities with Community Conservation Partnerships Program (CCPP) Grant application and administration. Applications can include planning, acquisition, and development in project areas such as recreation, park and conservation facilities; rivers, corridors and resources; greenways and trails; heritage areas and facilities; and critical habitat, natural areas and open space. Applications to the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) are due in early spring of each year. Several other grant programs are available for recreational projects. For details, contact a member of our Community Development team.


 Technical Assistance

Our Community Development team provides technical assistance to community organizations, such as the Freeport Leechburg Apollo Group, Inc. (FLAG), the Kittanning Revitalization Committee, the Kittanning Façade Design Committee, and the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Armstrong (RACA). Contact a Community Development Coordinator for details.

 Equal  Housing Opportunity