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Courthouse Administration Building
450 E. Market Street, Suite 102
Kittanning, PA 16201
Tammie Gaff, Controller
Teresa Horgos, First Deputy
Amanda Rybarik, Second Deputy and Retirement Specialist/Accounts Payable Clerk
Kai Bowser, Chief Accountant/Auditor
Eric Davis, Accountant/Auditor


The Controller's Office is responsible for the accuracy and legality of the fiscal affairs of the County. We review, approve and prepare the bills, keep the County books, prescribe the systems of accounting, perform internal audits (i.e. tax collectors), issue financial reports, administer the County Pension Fund and have custody of financial reports, contracts, leases, grants, audits, bids and etc.

The Controller is secretary of the Armstrong County Retirement Fund, a member of the Armstrong County Salary Board and a member of the Armstrong County Prison Board. At present in addition to the Controller, there are three full-time and one part-time employees working in the office. Most of the financial information of Armstrong County is available to the public from this office upon request. Feel free to contact us if you have questions or concerns.


Financial Reports


• 2021 DCED Financial Report

• 2020 DCED Financial Report

• 2019 DCED Financial Report

2018 DCED Financial Report

2017 DCED Financial Report



Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Hotline



Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Hotline Information


Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Hotline Form