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      License to Carry


NOTICE: You can now apply for you License to Carry Permit from OUR website ONLY, using the link below. Please keep in mind the following things:

1.) There are extra fees for this.

2.) You will still need to come in for your photo and signature.

3.) This is for Armstrong County residents and qualifying out of state residents ONLY! If you are a resident of another county, please apply there. 

To apply please click here.



Firearms Application Renewal


When coming be sure to have the following: 

1. Your driver's license

2. $20.00 Cash or Check/Money Order in the amount of $20.00, made out to "Armstrong County Sheriff"

3. Completed Application



Normal Business Hours and Procedure


•  Applications are received Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm (except 12:00 - 1:00 pm)
•  The renewal application process is done at the same time you return your completed application.
•  You must be 21 years of age to apply for a License to Carry Firearms Permit.
•  You MUST complete an application to renew your License to Carry Firearms Permit.
•  You must complete the application in it’s entirely, including having two personal references, 
    that of which are NOT family members.
•  Please return completed application in person to the Armstrong County Sheriff's Office
 •  Proper identification is required and must be one of the following forms of identification:

                •  PA driver’s license with photograph and current Armstrong County address
                •  State –issued non-driver’s identification card with photograph and current

                   Armstrong County address


•  If you are NOT a US citizen, you must present your immigration card
•  If you are NOT a resident of Armstrong County, you must apply in the County you reside in
•  Application fee is $20.00. Payment MUST be made at the time of application.
•  Acceptable forms of payment include:
              •  cash
              •  personal check made payable to “Armstrong County Sheriff”
              •  money order payable to “Armstrong County Sheriff”
•  We are only required to hold your application for 30 days, after which if you have not picked it up,
   we will send you a revoke letter with a refund $15.00
•  Please keep in mind that we are NOT given a reason for a denial, If you are denied:
            •  we will let you know that you have been denied
            •  you will be given a PICS challenge application to fill out and mail in if desired
            •  we will send you a letter with a refund of $15.00
            •  we will let you know that you have been denied
            •  you will be given a PICS challenge application to fill out and mail in if desired
            •  we will send you a letter with a refund of $15.00
There are times when the License to Carry or PICS system is down and we are unable to process License to
Carry Firearms. Please understand that this is out of our control and can
 happen at any given time and without an advance notice.

License to Carry renewal Application