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Land Bank


Who We Are


The Redevelopment Authority of the County of Armstrong Land Bank (RACA Land Bank) is a governmental body that focuses on acquiring, holding and transferring tax delinquent, foreclosed, vacant and abandoned properties within the focus area with the purpose of returning them to productive use.


Current participating municipalities include the boroughs of Apollo, Kittanning and Leechburg. Moving forward, the RACA Land Bank would like to expand participation to include additional municipalities within Armstrong County.


Pennsylvania Land Bank Legislation was enacted in October of 2012 for any city, borough, county, township, or incorporated town with a population of 10,000 residents or more. Land Bank Legislation came about as a way to help municipalities eliminate some of the barriers regarding the return of problem properties to productive use.


The land bank may acquire properties by donation, transfer, foreclosure, or purchase from a number of sources including private owners, municipalities or tax claim bureaus. The types of properties obtained by land banks are typically unoccupied, foreclosed, vacant and abandoned.





• Facilitate the strategic acquisition of abandoned, tax-delinquent, unmarketable or other distressed properties for demolition, rehabilitation
   and transfer to new ownership. Temporarily hold and manage certain types of properties designated for reuse.
• Work in partnership with participating municipality(ies) and other appropriate agencies to identify potential properties for reuse.
• Promote healthy, sustainable neighborhoods within the targeted areas of Armstrong County.





The Redevelopment Authority of the County of Armstrong (RACA) Land Bank will strategically acquire distressed property within the focus area in order to deter the spread of blight and to promote redevelopment and reuse of vacant, abandoned, and tax-delinquent properties. The RACA Land Bank will support targeted efforts to stabilize neighborhoods and property values; stimulate residential, commercial and industrial development; and improve the quality of life for residents in ways that are consistent with goals and priorities established by the Land Bank Ordinance, and among its partners and other community stakeholders.


View All Land Bank Properties







Meeting Agenda



  •        Dr. John K. Smith II, Chairman
  •        Fred S. Bowser, III, Vice-Chairman
  •        Philip E. Tack, Secretary
  •        Elizabeth A. Frederick, Treasurer
  •        David M. Page, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer



RACA Office


Department of Planning and Development
402 Market Street
Kittanning, PA  16201
724-548-3719 - Brigid Beatty, Program Manager