Community Service
Community Service Dates and Locations
(More Events Coming Soon!)
Date Place Time
M-F Armstrong County Recycling Center 8:00 AM - 2:30 PM
M-TH Salvation Army-Kittanning Location 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Please E-Mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in order to register to attend any and all events.
Ford City Garden Club- Meet at the corner of O'Conner St. and 3rd Avenue in Ford City, PA.
Allegheny Mariner parking lot (AVLT) - From Armstrong County Courthouse, follow Market Street towards the bridge. At the intersection of Water Street and Market Street, make a right. Continue on North Water Street for 1.5 miles. The Allegheny Mariner restaurant will be on the left and the parking lot will be on the right. Park there. The address is 1301 N. Water Street, Kittanning, PA 16201.
Armstrong County Habitat for Humanity - If interested call Community Service Officer at 724-548-3491.
Biblical Life Institute - From Kittanning, take Rt. 28 south towards Pittsburgh. Take Slate Lick/Northpointe Exit. Turn Left. Continue on road, go down hill. The church is at the bottom of the hill on the right. Ask for Dan Warner. Refreshments will not be provided.
Brady's Bend Borough - From Kittanning, follow Route 268, going through Cowansville, and passing Paradise Park. After 10 miles, you will then make a right onto Kittanning Hollow Road. This road is windy, please drive at safe speeds. At the stop sign, make a right onto Route 68. The Borough office is located 2 miles on the right in the old elementary school. If you come to the bridge in East Brady, you went too far. Upon arrival, report to Sheila. Water will be available, but you must bring a lunch. Excellent participation for the above 3 dates will result in 30 community service hours earned!
Buffalo Valley Sportsmen's Club - From Kittanning, travel Route 422 to Worthington. At the 2nd light (heading towards Butler), turn right onto Bear Street. At the stop sign, turn left onto Main Street. Travel a few miles to the bottom of the hill, going over the creek. Turn left before the overpass onto Yellow Dog Road. Follow this for a few miles and the sportsmen’s club will be on the right. This event will take place RAIN OR SHINE, so dress accordingly. Come prepared to clean up trash, remove brush near the creek and/or work inside the building. Upon arrival, please meet with Chuck Hodak for registration.
Burnt Ridge Sportsman's Club - The address is 493 Ridge Rd, Cowansville, PA 16218.
Cadogan Field and Stream - Upon entering Ford City from Kittanning, follow Rt. 128 South (5th Avenue) thru Ford City and across the bridge to Cadogan for 6 miles. Turn left onto Livengood Road and follow for about 1 mile. Turn left onto Nicholson Run Road and follow for about 1/2 mile. Take the first right onto Hill Road. Amanda is the contact for this site. She will be there for registration. Refreshments will not be provided.
Cadogan Softball Fields - Upon entering Ford City from Kittanning, continue on Rt. 128 South (5th Avenue) thru Ford City and across the Ford City bridge. The softball fields are on left immediately after the bridge. If you come to
Community Action Food Bank - This food bank is being held at the former "Toys Golden Dawn". From the Belmont Complex in West Kittanning, travel Rt. 268 for about 1 mile. The building will be on the left, beside the East Franklin VFD. Ask for Amy. Refreshments will not be provided. Activities to be performed may include unloading food from the trucks, packaging food for individuals and assisting the elderly to their vehicles with their food baskets. Excellent participation will be result in 10 community service hours.
Crooked Creek Environmental Learning Center - From Kittanning, take Route 66 towards Leechburg, pass Garda's Restaurant. Immediately after Crooked Creek Market, make a left onto Crooked Creek Dam Road, heading back towards Crooked Creek park. Follow for 1/2 mile and make a left onto Kerr Road. Continue straight on that lane until parking lot. Refreshments will not be provided.
Elderton Food Bank - From Kittanning, turn left at the Indiana Pike/Rt. 422 intersection and go up over the hill past Dairy Queen. Travel Business Rt. 422 East towards Indiana for approximately 13 miles. Make a left at the light in Elderton, by the Country Market. Travel 3 blocks and make another left after the Elderton State bank. The Firehall will be on your right at the first intersection. Follow the orange signs behind the firehall. You will be meeting Dave or Patricia Sheasley. Refreshments will not be provided. Activities to be performed may include unloading food from the trucks, packaging food for individuals and assisting the elderly to their vehicles with their food baskets. Excellent participation will result in 10 community service hours earned.
First Presbyterian Church - Upon entering Ford City from Kittanning, continue on Rt. 128 South (5th Avenue) until you reach 10th Street. At the corner by Freedom Apartments and Building and Loan, make a right onto 10th Street. The Church is on the next corner on the left across from the borough building. Refreshments will not be provided.
Ford City Borough Building - Upon entering Ford City from Kittanning, continue on Rt. 128 South (5th Avenue) until you reach 10th Street. At the corner by Freedom Apartments and Building and Loan, make a right onto 10th Street. The Borough Building is on the next corner on the right. Refreshments will not be provided. Excellent particpation will result in time and a half credit for all community service hours performed with this organization.
Ford City Summerfest - Report to the Ford City Memorial Park. Upon arrival, see Denise Lasher of the Summer Fest Committee directly across the street from the Ford City Post Office
Ford City (Rails-to-Trails) - Upon entering into Ford City continue on Rt. 128 (5th Avenue) until you reach Magistrate Gary DeComo's office. Park in parking lot across the street from there near the rails-to-trails for registration. Refreshments will not be provided.
Ford Memorial Methodist Church - Upon entering into Ford City continue on Rt. 128 (5th Avenue) until the Ford City Eagles. Make a right onto O'Connor Street. The Church is on right at stop sign (intersecting 4th Avenue). Refreshments will not be provided.
Grace Presbyterian Church - From Armstrong County Courthouse, follow Market Street towards the bridge. At the intersection of Water Street and Market Street, make a right. Continue past the YMCA and make the next right onto Arch Street. You will need to make an immediate right onto the alley. The church parking lot will be on your left. (The church is behind the YMCA.) Breakfast will be provided.
HAVIN - From the Courthouse, turn right onto North Grant Avenue. Turn left onto Arch Street. HAVIN sits behind Honey Bear on the right. Park on the street and walk the alley to go behind HAVIN. You will see a handicap accessible ramp. Follow the ramp and ring the door bell. Ask for Vicki Clark or Angie Cumberledge. A 1/2 hour will be provided so take a lunch. Refreshments will not be provided.
Kittanning Folk Festival - Located at the gazebo across from Arch St. Contact Jack Bennett at 724-525-7117 to set a schedule that best fits your needs. After a 4 hour shift, a meal ticket will be provided. Water will be provided.
Kittanning Rotary Club - Meet at the corner of North Water St. and Vine St. You will be working in the gardens along the Kittanning River Front Park.
Kittanning Sewage Plant (AVLT) - The Kittanning Sewage Plant is in Kittanning by Bradigan's Fuel (the old Gulf Station by Sheetz). The entrance is across from Kings Lanes. Continue on back until you are by the Sewage Plant.
Lock and Dam #8 (Rails to Trails) - Travel Market Street past the Armstrong County Courthouse, making the first left after the Courthouse onto Oak Avenue towards Templeton. Follow Oak Avenue (which becomes Johnson Avenue) for about 5 miles until you reach the railroad trestle over the river. Immediately after the trestle, turn left and cross the trail. Continue on the bank of the river passing all the camps for two miles. Do not turn onto any other road. You will come to Lock and Dam #8. There are no turn offs until you reach the parking lot. Refreshments will not be provided.
Mahoning Creek Dam - From Kittanning, follow Rt. 28/66 North towards New Bethlehem about 9 miles to the Village of Baum. Just past the Pumping Station, turn right onto SR 1018 towards Belknap/Dayton. Travel for 5 miles to the stop sign at Belknap. There will be a church on your left. Turn right, then take the first left onto Schoolhouse Road. Continue until you reach Creek Road; then turn left onto Creek Road. Creek Road becomes Government Road. Continue until you reach the entrance to Mahoning Lake. You will meet Park Ranger Grover Pegg at the entrance of the park at the large green maintenance building on the left. Refreshments will not be provided. Bring a lunch; lunch will be from 11:30 am - noon.
Mosgrove (Rails to Trails) - Travel Market Street past the Armstrong County Courthouse towards New Bethlehem. Make the first left after the Courthouse onto Johnson Avenue. Travel Johnson Avenue (which becomes River Road) for about 5 miles until you reach the railroad tressle over the river. Meet in the pull off on the left under the tressle. Refreshments will not be provided.
North of Templeton (Rails to Trails) - Travel Market Street past the Armstrong County Courthouse. Make the first left after the Courthouse onto Oak Avenue. Travel Oak Avenue (which becomes Johnson Avenue/River Road) for about 9 miles until you reach the town of Templeton. On the north edge of Templeton, take a left towards Mahoning and Widnoon. This is state route 1003. Continue on this road about 1 mile. Access to the trail will be on the left before the sharp bend. Parking will be beyond the gate. Follow the signs. Refreshments will not be provided.
Pine Twp VFC Gun Bash - From Kittanning, traveling Market Street just past the Armstrong County Courthouse, make the first left onto Johnson Avenue. Travel Johnson Avenue (which becomes River Road) for about 10 miles. The newly built fire hall will be on the left at the corner of the playground on Clay Avenue. If you pass the Post Office, you went too far. Upon arrival, report to Rhonda for registration. Excellent participation will result in 7 community service hours.
Pine Twp ATV/Poker Run - From Kittanning, take Route 28/66 North towards New Bethlehem. From the Route 28/66 and Route 85 intersections, it’s about 5 miles. Make the next left after the Mack Dealership towards Templeton onto Ridge Road at the "Y". Follow for about 5 miles and the registration site will be on the left. From Templeton, travel north on Ridge Road for approximately 3 miles. Upon arrival, report to Rhonda at the registration booth. DO NOT GO TO THE FIREHALL. Excellent participation will result in 15 community service hours performed.
Rayburn Township Food Bank - This food bank is being held at the Rayburn Township VFD. From the Kittanning bridge, follow Market Street past the Courthouse for about ½ mile. The VFD is on the right immediately before the Horse Trough Bar. Refreshments will not be provided. Activities to be performed may include unloading food from the trucks, packaging food for individuals and assisting the elderly to their vehicles with their food baskets. Excellent participation will result in 10 community service hours performed.
Relay for Life - This event is being held at the Ford Cliff football field. The event begins Saturday, June 7, 2015. Volunteers are needed the day before and the day after the event. Fri: 8a-4p, Sat: 8a-8p, Sun: 8a-noon. Upon arrival, go to the concession stand.
Riverfront in Kittanning - We will be meeting in the pavilion across from Vocelli's for registration prior to clearing the riverbank of trash and possibly building a rock wall and planting flowers. Refreshments will not be provided.
Rural Valley Food Bank - From Kittanning, follow Highway 422 to Rt. 66. Turn right onto Rt. 85. Follow for about 9 miles and make a left onto N. Water St., continue until stop sign. Turn right onto E. Main St. The NuValley Church will be located on your left, if you went past the Rural Valley Bakery you've went too far. Go thru the front door and meet with Diane Firment. Refreshments will not be provided. Activities to be performed may include unloading food from the trucks, packaging food for individuals and assisting the elderly to their vehicles with their food baskets. Excellent participation will result in 8 community service hours.
Rural Valley Park/Pumpkin Festival - From Kittanning, follow Highway 422 to Rt. 66. Turn right onto Rt. 85. Follow for approximately 9 miles and the Rural Valley Community Park will be on your left. Go to the Headquarters table at the stage area and ask for Gina or Nikki. If you cannot find her, asking a nearby vendor; someone will know where to find her. Your help is needed on Thursday to set up tables for vendors from 6 to 8 pm. On Saturday, your help is appreciated from 11 am to 7 pm. Saturday's assignments include garbage, bathroom upkeep, and then later in the evening, helping vendors tear down their tents. On Saturday, you will be given a food voucher to purchase food at the vendor booths for lunch and dinner. Refreshments will not be provided Thursday. Excellent participation for both days will result in 15 community service hours.
St. Johns Lutheran Church - Upon entering Ford City from Kittanning, continue on Rt. 128 South (5th Avenue) for approximately 1 mile. Make a right onto 11th Street right after the Ford City High School. The church is on the left corner intersecting 11th Street and 4th Avenue, across from Welch's Funeral Home parking lot. Refreshments will not be provided. Come prepared to cook, clean, wash dishes, etc.
St. Paul's Highfield Lutheran Church - From Kittanning, take Route 66 South towards Leechburg. Turn left onto Dime Road towards Apollo. Travel 5.4 miles and the church will be on the right. Come prepared to mow, weedeat, trim shrubbery, etc. You will be meeting Clarence Brown. Refreshments will not be provided.
Templeton (Rails to Trails) - Travel Market Street past the Armstrong County Courthouse towards New Bethlehem. Make the first left after the Courthouse onto Johnson Avenue. Travel Johnson Avenue (which becomes River Road) for about 10 miles into Templeton. Turn left at the Post Office. At the stop sign turn right. Follow the paved road along the river for about a 1/4 mile
Tidal Presbyterian Church - From Kittanning, follow River Road into and thru Templeton. Turn left before the Church of God towards Widnoon. Follow 5 miles to the stop sign. At this point, an ice cream stand will be on the left. Make a left and travel about 2 miles. The Tidal Presbyterian Church will be on the right. Ask for Larry Shoupe upon arrival. Refreshments will not be provided.
Washington Township Food Bank - From the Belmont Complex in West Kittanning, travel Rt. 268 for 5 miles to Cowansville, Bear off to the right onto Reesedale Rd. Travel another 6 miles and the Washington Twp Firehall will be on the right. You will be meeting Pam Bowser. Refreshments will not be provided. Activities to be performed may include unloading food from the trucks, packaging food for individuals and assisting the elderly to their vehicles with their food baskets. Excellent participation will result in 5 community service hours.
West Hills Elementary School - From the Armstrong County Courthouse, cross the Kittanning bridge and continue up over the hill, passing Flynn’s Tires. Continue through 2 stop lights in West Kittanning and bear off to the right onto 268 North. Follow Route 268 for 1 mile and make a left onto Old Route 422. If you passed the East Franklin VFD, you went too far. After 1.3 miles, the elementary school will be on the right. Activities to be performed will include weeding, watering, and landscaping the flowers gardens. Please dress appropriately for the event. Excellent participation will result in 5 community service hours.
Worthington Police Department - From Kittanning, travel Route 422 West. At the 2nd stop light in Worthington, closest to Butler, make at right. At the stop sign, make a left. In about a block, make a right onto Church Street. You will then see a big green building. Make a left after the green building. The Police station and garage sit behind this building.