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Terms of Use


Website Disclaimer Policy

This website is provided by Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, as a public service to its residents and to the general public and is subject to the following disclaimer:


Disclaimer of Reliability and Liability

This website is to serve only as a supplement resource to the official documents, information, and services that are available at the County of Armstrong Courthouse and Annex building located at 450 Market Street Kittanning, PA 16201. Updates and availability of information is dependent upon individual departments with all efforts being made to provide accurate and current material.
***Some of the requested information may be acquired through the submission of a Terms of Use
Right to Know Request per the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records – Right to Know Law.
The information included in this website is provided by County staff and is subject to change without notice. The County of Armstrong makes no representations or warranties regarding the completeness, reliability, accuracy, currency, or suitability of the information, services, or graphics contained herein.