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Election Results - Unofficial


Picture of American flag shaped as Armstrong County.



Armstrong County Election Results by Precinct presented in Adobe PDF format.



Unofficial - Election Night Summary Results

    April 23, 2024



Explanation of Scatter for write-ins:  This is a place holder for candidates that did not receive enough votes to win that race; the exception is those who ran a write-in campaign.


Total Precinct Results



Unofficial - Election Results by Precinct


  1. Apollo Borough
  2. Applewold Borough
  3. Atwood Borough
  4. Bethel Township
  5. Boggs Township
  6. Bradys Bend Township
  7. Burrell Township
  8. Cadogan Township
  9. Cowanshannock Township - East
  10. Cowanshannock Township - West
  11. Dayton Borough
  12. East Franklin Township - North
  13. East Franklin Township - East
  14. East Franklin Township - West
  15. Elderton Borough
  16. Ford City Borough - 1st Ward North
  17. Ford City Borough - 2nd Ward North
  18. Ford Cliff Borough
  19. Freeport Borough
  20. Gilpin Township #1
  21. Gilpin Township #2
  22. Hovey Township
  23. Kiski Township - Horrell
  24. Kiski Township - Orchard Hills North
  25. Kiski Township - Orchard Hills South
  26. Kiski Township - Spring Church
  27. Kittanning Borough - 1st Ward
  28. Kittanning Borough - 2nd Ward
  29. Kittanning Borough - 3rd Ward
  30. Kittanning Borough - 4th Ward
  31. Kittanning Township
  32. Leechburg Borough
  33. Madison Township
  34. Kiski Township - Orchard Hills North
  35. Manor Township - North
  36. Manor Township - South #1
  37. Manor Township - South #2
  38. Manorville Borough
  39. North Apollo Borough
  40. North Buffalo Township - East
  41. North Buffalo Township - West
  42. Parker City - 1st Ward
  43. Parker City - 2nd Ward
  44. Parks Township - Kepple Hill
  45. Parks Township - West
  46. Perry Township
  47. Pine Township
  48. Plumcreek Township
  49. Rayburn Township
  50. Redbank Township
  51. Rural Valley Borough
  52. South Bend Township
  53. South Bethlehem Borough
  54. South Buffalo Township - East
  55. South Buffalo Township - West
  56. Sugarcreek Township
  57. Valley Township
  58. Washington Township
  59. Wayne Township
  60. West Franklin Township
  61. West Kittanning Borough
  62. Worthington Borough



Precinct Totals



Please verify that the date on top of the precinct report is the date of the most recent election.