Work Release Program
Work Release is a privilege for minor offenders who have been sentenced to serve time in jail. This privilege provides the offender with the opportunity to maintain their employment and satisfy his/her financial obligations to the community and their family, while still being held accountable for the sanctions of the Courts with respect to his/her freedom.
To apply for work release privileges the offender may ask for a work release application from the Armstrong County Jail staff or online through the Armstrong County website (workreleaseapplication.pdf).
After completing the Work Release Application it is to be turned into the Work Release Coordinator along with a money order for $20.00 for the application fee. Please also review, sign and date the Work Release Agreement that accompanies the Work Release Application.
If the offender is turning in their application prior to being sentenced, it can be dropped off or mailed to:
Armstrong County Jail
Attention: Work Release Coordinator
171 Staley’s Courts Road
Kittanning, PA 16201
The actual application process will begin after the Work Release Coordinator has received the offender’s application. The overall application process generally takes 5-10 business days to be completed in its entirety. If the offender’s application is approved he/she will be moved into the Work Release Housing unit once a three day classification period has taken place after initial incarceration. The offender will meet with the Work Release Coordinator and review the rules and regulations of the program. The offender will have to submit to a urine drug test BEFORE their first day of work and he/she will be randomly tested thereafter.
Violation of any rule of the Work Release Program or other rule of the jail may result in immediate loss of work release privileges for the remainer of the offender’s sentence.
*Receipt of the application and application fee by the jail must occur no more than a minimum of 14 days prior to the date of sentencing. This is a non-refundable fee. Applications that are pre-submitted in his manner will have the entire screening process completed prior to sentencing to allow the offender’s quicker placement into the Work Release program, unless mitigating circumstances arise.
Regardless of the timelines of the application submission, there is no guarantee of placement into the Work Release program.