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Inmate Mail


  • All incoming letters or correspondence must contain the following information or they may be considered as contraband and placed into inmate property storage or disposed of:


         (Inmate's Name Here)
         (Housing Unit and Cell # Here)
         171 Staley's Courts Road
         Kittanning, Pa 16201


  • All incoming mail must have the full address as shown above and the complete return address including the sender’s full name.


  • Third party mail is prohibited and will result in a misconduct report being issued to the inmate and may result in sanctions such as segregation time, denial of parole and/or loss of other privileges.


  • Any mail that contains stickers, glitter, crayon, paint or marker drawing will not be given to the inmate.


  • All mail whether sent or received is logged. These logs are for administrative use only and will not be given to inmates.


  • All personal mail may be censored or checked for security purposes. Legal mail will be opened by the inmate addressee in the presence of a staff member.


  • The Warden is authorized under Title 37 of PA Code to restrict and/or prohibit any mail for valid penological reasons such as introduction of contraband, threats to security or the public, or when requested by intended recipients.