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John Strate, Chairman
Anthony Shea, Vice-Chairman
Pat Fabian, Secretary
Courthouse Administration Building
450 East Market Street, Suite 200
Kittanning, PA 16201
Phone: 724-548-3215


The three County Commissioners constitute the chief governing body of the county. The Commissioners have selective policy-making authority that allows them to provide certain local services and facilities on a county-wide basis.


Administrative powers and duties of County Commissioners encompass registration and elections, assessment of persons and property, human services, veterans' affairs, appointment of county personnel and fiscal management. As managers of fiscal affairs, the Commissioners are responsible for adoption of county budgets, assessment of property, levying of taxes and borrowing of funds for construction of capital projects.


Source: Powers and Responsibilities of Pennsylvania County Officials. The Pennsylvania State University College of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Services.



Chief Clerk & County Administrator


Aaron Poole, Chief Administrator
Courthouse Administration Building
450 East Market Street, Suite 200
Kittanning, PA 16201
Phone: 724-548-3382
Fax: 724-548-3285
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hours: Monday-Friday 8 am - 4:30 pm


The Chief Clerk acts as the administrative assistant to the County Commissioners and as an administrator of the general functions of county government. Most of the official business requiring the Commissioner's attention is channeled through the office of Chief Clerk who functions as a coordinator between the Commissioners and department heads and elected officials. The Chief Clerk also acts as a liaison between the citizens of the County and the Board of Commissioners.
Source: Manual for County Chief Clerks/Administrators.
Governor's Center for Local Government Services, Department of Community and Economic Development.


Timothy R. Miller, Solicitor
157 Market Street
Leechburg, PA 15656
Phone: (724) 845-8339 x119



Armstrong County Historical Map


Armstrong County Historical Map


The map hanging on the second floor of the Armstrong County Courthouse Administration Building is the oldest existing map of the entire county. It was published by a famous map-making company from Philadelphia in 1861, the A. Pomeroy & S.W. Treat Company. The map was based on surveys done by G.M. & H.W. Hompkins, Civil Engineers of Haddonfield, NJ, which were then transferred to engravings (probably on wood at that time) by the Worley & Bracher Company of Philadelphia. Many counties utilized what was known as "the Pomeroy" maps in this time period into the 20th century. It is the oldest existing map because the 2nd courthouse burned down in 1858 destroying many records. The map was one of the first commissioned as the 3rd and present Courthouse was erected.


The map was actively used by the Mapping Department until the early 1990's when it was sent to the Mathias Company of Pittsburgh to be cleaned, preserved and framed. Advanced restoration photography enabled the creation of a Master Mylar of the map that restored areas that had been rubbed in the middle. Copies of the mylar are available for purchase. There are many interesting facts contained on this "snapshot" of Armstrong County in 1861. Prominent towns are always featured on larger areas maps, and you will find the usual towns of Kittanning, Elderton, Dayton, Apollo, Worthington, Freeport, Leechburg, Manorville and Rural Valley, then called "Rural Village." However in 1861 there were other important towns including; Brady's Bend Iron Works, Queenstown, Putneyville, Milton, Maysville, Eddyville, Rosston and even Texas (that we know as Distant today). The practice of the day was to highlight only those who helped pay for the map, so those still-existing villages probably "ponied up"! There is no Ford City because it would not be established for another twenty-some years. The population of the county was 36,393 in 1861 with the following partial breakout:


     • Kittanning Borough: 1,731
     • Freeport: 1,703
     • Worthington: 219
     • Leechburg: 368
     • Apollo: 112
     • Elderton: 158
     • Queenstown: 127
     • Redbank Township: 1,205
     • Allegheny Township (Gilpin, Parks, Bethel): 2,461
     • Washington Township: 921
     • Sugarcreek Township: 1,253
     • Kiski Township: 2,229
     • Plumcreek Township: 2,228
     • Brady's Bend Township: 1,360
     • Perry Township: 992
     • Madison Township: 1,480
     • Kittanning Township: 1,238
     • Cowanshannock Township: 1,963
     • Valley Township: 1,552
     • Mahoning Township: 1,407
     • Wayne Township: 1,577
     • South Buffalo Township: 1,587
     • North Buffalo Township: 1,183
     • Manor Township: 1,217
     • Franklin Township (before being split into East and West): 2,863





 • County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania

 • National Association of Counties

 • Public Meeting Agendas

 • Public Meeting Minutes

 • United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development