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Veterans Affairs


Armstrong County War Memorial


Kathy Rashlich, Executive Director
Courthouse Administration Building
450 E. Market Street, Suite 107
Kittanning, PA 16201

Phone: 724-548-3441
Fax: 724-548-3732
Hours: Monday-Friday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm


The Armstrong County Veterans Affairs Office is an advocate agency established to assist veterans and or their survivors in obtaining entitled benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the state of Pennsylvania. The office cooperates with local government agencies as well as non-government service agencies in obtaining needed specialized services.
Our purpose is to help veterans and their survivors deal with the often confusing and overwhelming task of completing the correct forms and applications and collecting the appropriate documentation to support a claim for benefits. We also assist clients in identifying and accessing the appropriate local resources to address their immediate and long term needs.



  Benefits Programs


There are a number of benefit programs to which veterans and their survivors are entitled. We provide information on the following programs:


  Freedom Isn't Free



• Service Connected Disability Compensation
• NSC Pension
• Death Pension
• Burial Benefits

State of Pennsylvania

• Veterans Emergency Assistance
• Real Estate Tax Exemption
• State Veterans Homes
• Paralyzed veteran's Pension


Armstrong County

• Burial Allowance
• Grave Markers and Flags
• Government Headstones Set
• Safeguard DD-214


For additional information concerning any of these and other available benefits and programs, call the County Veterans Office at 724-548-3441.




Department of Veterans Affairs
• vocational rehab & employment
• forms
• register for the draft
• Pa. careerlink